

您现在的位置: 加拿大28(中国)官方网站 -> 国际合作 -> 经济管理量化技术硕士网络项目(QTEM) -> 专业模块



模块一 应用经济学与公共政策(Applied Economics and Public Policy):

微观经济、契约与拍卖理论Micro-Economics, Contract and Auction Theory

政策制定、监管与定价Policy-Making, Regulation and Pricing

公共财政与税收Public Finance and Tax

宏观经济模型与预测、发展经济学(Macro-Economic Models and Forecasting, Development Economics

模块二 创新与战略 (Innovation and Strategy

创业与创新Entrepreneurship and Innovation

战略与产业组织Strategy and Industrial Organization

模块三 金融与风险管理 (Finance and Risk Management

控制与会计Controlling and Accounting

金融---精算学 (Finance-Actuarial Science

金融---银行与金融机构管理 (Finance-Banking and Management of Financial Institutions

金融---公司财务 (Finance-Corporate Finance

金融---金融市场与衍生品(Finance-Financial Markets and Derivatives

风险管理Risk Management

模块四 市场营销与供应链(Marketing and Supply Chain

市场营销Marketing and Sales

供应链、运营与物流管理Supply Chain, Operation and Logistics Management

模块五 商业智能与大数据 (Business Intelligence and Big Data

定量技术与工具Quantitative Techniques and Tools

商业智能Business Intelligence

组织、社会与文化Organization, Society and Culture