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 【讲座通知】5月16、17日澳门大学Rob Law教授讲座通知

来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2024-05-10 17:54:51 点击数:




题目:Academic Impact: What Makes an Article Citable?


Prior studies have rarely, if ever any, examined what constitutes high citation counts. This study examined the quantifiable characteristics in publications and investigated their associations with citation per year. That is, this study empirically examined the relationships with length, authorship, and collaboration and citation counts in the 300 most cited publications in tourism and hospitality journals. The results reveal a negative relationship between the length of a title and citation per year.




题目:Publishing in Top Research Journals and Mistakes in Academic Writing


This presentation analyzes the results of content analysis of 370+ referee’s reports of manuscripts submitted to leading hospitality and tourism journals where rejection or major revisions were recommended. Failed manuscripts had multiple shortcomings, with referees identifying an average of 6.2 deficiencies per paper. The most common areas where referees found fault with manuscripts were: methodology (74% of papers), failure to elucidate significance effectively (60%), poor writing style (58%) and a weak literature review (50%). The presentation concludes that communications’ problems are more common than technical flaws.


Prof. Rob Law is University of Macau Development Foundation (UMDF) Chair Professor of Smart Tourism. He is also Honorary Professor of several other reputable universities. Prior to joining the University of Macau in July 2021, Prof. Law has worked in industry organizations and academic institutes.

Prof. Law is an active researcher. He has received 100 research related awards and accolades (e.g. recognized as the most prolific tourism/hospitality researcher in the world over two decades from 2000 to 2019 – International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021), as well as millions of USD external and internal research grants. Prof. Law has edited four books and published 1,000+ research papers (including several hundred articles in first-tier academic journals). His publications have received 70,000+ citations, with h-index/i 10-index = 121/572. In addition, Prof. Law serves different roles for 200+ research journals (e.g. on the Editorial Boards of 62% of the Q1 journals and 80% of the Q2 journals in hospitality/tourism), and is a chair/committee member of more than 180 international conferences.