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来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2024-04-05 16:40:52 点击数:



报告题目:General Equilibrium Theory for Climate Change


We propose two general equilibrium models, quota equilibrium and emission tax equilibrium. The government specifies quotas or taxes on emissions, and then refrains from further action. All results in this paper remain valid regardless of how government chooses its desired emissions target. Quota equilibrium exists; the allocation of emission property rights strongly impacts the distribution of welfare. If the only externality arises from total net emissions, quota equilibrium is constrained Pareto Optimal. For certain tax rates, emission tax equilibrium may not exist. Every quota equilibrium can be realized as an emission tax equilibrium and vice versa. However, different quota prices may arise in equilibrium from a single quota, and different emission levels may arise in equilibrium from a single tax rate. This leads to an inequivalence between quota and emission tax equilibria.


Anderson教授现为加州大学伯克利分校风险控制研究中心(UC Berkeley Center for Risk Management Research)主任,加州大学伯克利分校经济系和数学系荣誉退休教授,韩国高丽大学商学院荣誉客座教授(International Eminent Research Professor)。曾于2011年担任加州大学学术参议院主席(Chair of University of California Academic Senate),两度担任加州大学伯克利分校经济系主任。Robert Anderson是斯隆奖得主(Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship)和世界计量经济学会院士(Fellow of the Econometric Society),这是经济学领域最高荣誉之一。他在经济学领域的研究集中在数理经济学、一般均衡理论和金融学,已在国际公认的经济学5大期刊中发表10余篇论文,其中8篇论文发表于Econometrica