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来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2023-12-27 11:22:45 点击数:



报告题目:Impact of Officials Livestream in Agricultural Sales


Live stream selling, a key retail trend, involves streamers engaging with customers in real-time to promote and sell products. This study explores the unique role of local government officials as streamers in boosting agricultural sales. Using data from Taobao's 2020 "The County Mayor Is Here" event, we applied econometric and causal machine learning techniques, including a difference-in-difference approach and causal forests, to assess their impact. Results show government officials' streams significantly increase online agricultural sales and have lasting effects compared to traditional influencers. Furthermore, regions with more townships and higher per capita savings see greater benefits. This research highlights the potential for government-retailer partnerships to enhance online agricultural sales and combat poverty.


王文斌,上海财经大学商学院运营管理系主任、教授,商务分析研究中心主任。主要研究方向为(ESG)可持续运营管理、统计学习与决策优化、机制设计理论。曾入选上海市“浦江人才”计划。 担任中国系统工程学会可持续运营与管理分会副秘书长,M&SOM期刊客座副主编Guest AE,中国市场信息调查业协会数据智能专业委员会专家理事,上海市经济信息化委员会、卫生健康委员会评审专家。曾担任国际学术团体POMS College of Sustainable Operations 理事会理事、在线编委。主持国家自然科学基金面上、青年项目各1项,参与多项社科重大、重点项目。 在《Management Science》、《Manufacturing & Service Operations Management》、《Games and Economic Behavior》等管理学、经济学顶级期刊发表论文。在Ivey案例库发表低碳生态案例研究。近期与用户洞察和策略咨询领域巨头益普索合作,研发中国企业“环境-社会-公司治理”ESG社媒指数,联合发布《A股港股上市公司ESG社媒传播力榜单》。