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来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2023-12-20 16:17:11 点击数:



报告题目:Persuasive Conflicts of Interest: Influencing Social Media Influencer with Influencer Brand


In 2022, the influencer industry reached $16.4 billion and more than 75% of traditional brands have a dedicated budget for influencer marketing. Potential conflict exists between the firm and the influencer: many influencers create their own brands, which is commonly seen as a big threat. This study examines the impact of influencer brand ownership on corporate sponsorship decisions, particularly with respect to the level of affiliation. Research shows that even when there’s a direct persuasive conflict of interest, the firm might opt to affiliate with the influencer with her own brand for a minimal level of affiliation and influencers may also gain partnership opportunities by launching their own brands. Moreover, followers might be worse when they receive more information from the influencer. Through a comprehensive analysis, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of influencer-brand relationships and the strategic considerations that shape corporate sponsorship decisions in this dynamic industry.


刘云川,美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)终身教授,中国项目主任,曾任商学院本科项目学术主任,市场营销主任。毕业于美国哥伦比亚大学,获市场营销学博士学位,曾任教于美国加州大学和伊利诺伊大学,是美国华人知名学者,是零售业、流通渠道、产品策略和定价策略方面的专家。在 Management Science Marketing Science 等顶尖期刊上发表多篇文章,现任多个市场营销和运营管理领域A类学术期刊副主编(Service Science 副主编,Decision Science 副主编, Asian Journal of Business Research 副主编)和编委(Journal of Business Research),并多次获得 Marketing Science Management Science 杰出评审奖。此外,刘云川副教授曾任美国中伊州华人协会主席,与美国企业界和政界有广泛的联系。是伊利诺伊大学香槟分校商学院中国项目主任,正在推动伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和中国若干大学及企业界的合作项目。