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【讲座通知】53日荷兰鹿特丹大学Martin De Jong教授讲座通知

来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2024-04-29 16:05:14 点击数:



报告题目:Smart Cities as Spatial Manifestations of 21st Century Capitalism


Globally, smart cities attract billions of dollars in investment annually, with related market opportunities forecast to grow year-on-year. The enormous resources poured into their development consist of financial capital, but also natural, human and social resources converted into infrastructure and real estate. The latter act as physical capital storage and sites for the creation of digital products and services expected to generate the highest value added. Smart cities serve as temporary spatial fixes until new and better investments opportunities emerge. Drawing from a comprehensive range of publications on capitalism, this article analyzes smart city developments as typifier of 21st century capital accumulation where the financialization of various capitals is the overarching driver and ecological overshoot and socio-economic undershoot are the main negative consequences. It closely examines six spatial manifestations of the smart city-science parks and smart campuses; innovation districts; smart neighborhoods; city-wide and city-regional smart initiatives; urban platforms; and alternative smart city spaces-as receptacles for the conversion of various capitals. It also considers the influence of different national regimes and institutional contexts on smart city developments. This is used, in the final part, to open a discussion about opportunities to temper the excesses of 21st century capitalism.


Martin De Jong教授,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学(Erasmus University Rotterdam, EUR)管理学院教授,荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学“包容性繁荣动力”(Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity)旗舰科研计划的科学主任,上海复旦大学国际关系与公共事务学院(SIRPA)兼职教授。担任荷兰议会第二议院、荷兰基础设施和环境部、荷兰国家天然气企业、欧洲城市组织、北欧道路联合会、芬兰交通和通信部、中国广东省深圳市和湖北省荆门市以及其他许多组织的顾问。研究方向包括政策与治理、中国规划与决策、交通基础设施、可持续城市发展、城市品牌、企业社会责任和跨文化管理。发表论文200余篇,总SCI他引10000+次。